Research Project: Group Planning & Grading Sheet


Project Name:  _______________________________________________________________________________


Project Section (e.g., intro, method, data collection):  ____________________________________


Your Name (leave blank until time to grade): _____________________________________________


List group membersŐ names below and indicate what each person has agreed to do for this part of the project.  Each group member should then initial the description.  Later, you will give a score (on a scale of 1 – 5; with 5 being A work, 4 being B work, etc.) to each member (including yourself) on how well you believed each person followed through on his or her tasks.  The average will be multiplied by 5 and added to each group memberŐs score.


_________________________________                                                                Score: ________ 







_________________________________                                                                Score: ________







_________________________________                                                                Score: ________







__________________________________                                                               Score: ________







__________________________________                                                               Score: ________